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Bridesmaid Bouquet

Bridesmaid Bouquet

Simplify Your Wedding Planning with Double Dog Farm & Floral


Experience the beauty of a custom garden-style bouquet designed exclusively for your wedding. Each hand-tied bouquet is crafted with care, adorned with a ribbon that complements your design. Our flowers are lovingly grown from seed on our farm and harvested just for you! How special is that?


How It Works:


  • Easy Ordering: Choose your bouquet in just a few clicks.
  • Color Options: Select from four stunning color palettes.
  • Pickup: Collect your bouquet 1-2 days before your wedding.


Additional Information:


  • Designer's Choice: Each bouquet is customized based on seasonal availability and your specific notes.
  • No Consultation Needed: To keep things simple and budget-friendly, we do not offer in-person or phone consultations. This allows us to focus on what we do best—growing and designing beautiful flowers.


  • Inspiration Welcome: Feel free to send any inspiration or color palette photos to Please keep your emails concise to ensure nothing is missed.


  • Freshness Guaranteed: Flowers come in water for easy transport and can be kept in a cool, dark place until your wedding day.


Make your wedding day unforgettable with a bouquet from Double Dog Farm & Floral!

Note: Bridesmaid bouquet will be approx the same size as a market bouquet. 


    Due to the perishable nature of this product no returns, exchanges or refunds will be accepted. Cancellation will be accepted 1 week (7days) in advance of the scheduled pick up date. 


9505 Sargent Road,
Indianapolis, IN 46256

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